I shared this on Facebook (facebook.com/esquaredgoodsco), but wanted to take a moment to write about it on here as well.
First, to both new and repeat customers, thank you so much for your support! I truly appreciate each and every one of you. This business is growing, slow and steady wins the race, right?! I can't wait to see where we are this time next year. This next part is copied from the Facebook post, but is 100% true and I know these goals can and will be accomplished this year.
"I don't think I have ever really shared my goals with you all, but I feel like I should. First, I have always had a goal to own a business of my own. So just opening E² was an accomplishment for me. I tried direct sales in the past and let's just say I was not cut out for that. It was hard for me to reach a goal set by someone else when my heart wasn't fully in it. This is different because this is me! This is not a corporation or MLM business and every dollar from a sale benefits my little family. With that being said, here are my goals with E² for 2021:

To some these may seem small. To others they may seem dumb. What matters is these are mine and I believe they are attainable this year!"
Watch out world, well big box retailers, E² is here to stay!